Why I started posting blog articles to Facebook again
I never used to post my blog articles to Facebook.
I thought that my Facebook friends wouldn't care to read my blog posts and that I'd be clogging their news feeds with my business-y jibber jabber.
I'm sure many ignore my posts in their news feeds, and that's to be expected. But some of the articles that I've posted to FB have been the source of great conversation and debate, at least compared to other distribution channels.
And that totally makes sense.
My friends and I chat about similar topics in real life, so why not talk about these topics on FB?
Certainly some blog posts will resonate more than others. Some will be hits and others, misses.
Regardless, I'm glad I started posting to FB again. And I'll continue to do so with hopes to have great conversations.
If you're reading this and found this article on FB, help me out by submitting a comment there just to validate this post. :)
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