New Consulting Partnership - National Bid Network
Great news! I've just finalized a consulting engagement with National Bid Network (NBN), a company that sells an extremely valuable database of government contract information and provides services to help consulting firms and manufacturers do business with the government.
I'll be helping NBN with all aspects of marketing with a primary focus on lead generation. Together we'll work on a website redesign, setting up and executing inbound marketing practices (SEO, content creation, social media, etc.), email marketing, CRM, and any other advertising and marketing projects that we need to drive sales.
I met NBN's CEO, Kim Harwell, at a conference in 2012. He sat right next to me during the keynote speech and was wowed by what CRM and online marketing can do for a company. He filled me in on NBN and what he was building and asked to stay in touch to see if we can work together in the future. We've been discussing a partnership for a while, and now that it's been finalized, it's time to get to work!
I'm looking forward to learning about a new industry and applying my marketing knowledge to help Kim grow his business. And if you are or know a consulting firm or manufacturer looking to do more business with the government, please reach out to me!