How do you deal with distractions from your smartphone?
Distractions are all around us, and most of them can be blamed on that tiny supercomputer in our hands - the smartphone.
Obviously, work is where you can be most distracted.
Constantly checking your phone for emails, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or whatever app du jour you're using can be so detrimental to completing your tasks. Push notifications make concentrating nearly impossible.
One second, you start a task in the morning. The next second, your friend sends you a message on WhatsApp about the slate of NFL games played yesterday.
Next thing you know, you're checking on how your fantasy teams did. Then you're researching a trade for a running back. Then negotiating said trade with other owners.
Oh man, it's 5PM already? Time to go home!
What did you get done that day? Maybe a fantasy football trade, but maybe not even.
(BTW, that's not me I'm talking about, it's a hypothetical story, I swear).
I'm not only talking about work, though.
I walk my dog everyday and many times check my phone while doing it. Next thing I know, she's eating some food scraps off the ground, and I have to worry if she'll make me pay for my lack of attention by pooing somewhere she isn't supposed to.
Sometimes when I play with my daughter, I'll get distracted and check my phone. While I'm not looking, she'll run toward our deck and lick the screen door. Or go to my dog's water bowl and stick her hand in it. Or do something else she isn't supposed to do.
And of course, we can't leave out the distractions of the smartphone while driving. Dangerous.
As magical as the smartphone is, it is probably the biggest distraction ever created.
We can turn on airplane mode to avoid any incoming communications, but do we?
We can leave our phones at home when we go out for a short amount of time, or place it in another room so it's not always with us. But do we?
How do you deal with all of the distractions that the smartphone brings? Do you ever put your phone in airplane mode, or leave it in the other room? Talk to me in the comments!
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