Blogging isn't quite a habit yet
Whoa, that was close.
It's 7:20PM right now and I just remembered to write today's blog post.
I almost blew it on day 27 of my experiment to blog for 30 consecutive days.
Obviously, blogging isn't a habit for me just yet.
The sad thing is that I set aside time on my calendar everyday and put it on my to-do list for each day of the week.
Weekends are tougher to find time to blog, but that shouldn't be an excuse.
Brain Pickings has a great article about how long it takes to form a new habit. The article cited a study that determined that subjects took an average of 66 days to form a new habit, and the length of time depended on the habit the people tried to form.
The researchers also discovered that the earlier repetitions were most beneficial for establishing a habit, and gains gradually dwindled over time.
I think I'm feeling that right now. While I'm excited that I'm getting closer and closer to achieving my objective of blogging for 30 days straight, I feel like I'm running out of steam a little bit, and each blog post is harder to write.
I'm having a tough time writing this one, and it probably shows.
Anyway, I'm happy that I remembered to blog today and keep the streak alive. Only three more days to go.
This is day 27 of my experiment to blog for 30 consecutive days.