2012 was great, but 2013 is gonna be better
2012 was a really great, eventful year. I got engaged and legally married (thanks for the insurance, Vicky!) :) ; saw my friends get married in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic; quit my dream job in sports; started and folded a startup; and garnered consulting engagements with innovative companies.
I fully expect 2013 to be bigger and better.
In 2013, I'm getting ceremonially married in Mexico and will have wedding events in NYC and Taiwan, too. I have a few close friends and a sister who will tie the knot this year (not with each other). My entrepreneurial career is going to grow. I'm sure I'm leaving other great things out but that's all I can think of right now.
And I have some resolutions that I'll work really hard to keep this year:
I'll achieve more focus in my entrepreneurial endeavors. After I stopped working on Dokkit in September, I lacked a lot of focus because I didn't have that one flagship project to work on. I was working on three consulting projects and vetting a multitude of startup ideas. Having so many things on my plate spread me really thin and made me lack a sense of direction. Though some of the consulting gigs will still be there, I really want to focus more of my time on one really interesting, high-potential project with a great team.
At some point this year, I'm going to not have an alcoholic beverage for 14 days. It's kinda sad that I've never gone two weeks without an alcoholic beverage. Actually, I don't think I've gone more than 5 days without one. It's not that I'm getting blasted all the time; I just like to have a beer here and a drink there. This should be interesting.
I'm going to run at least two Tough Mudders, Spartan Races, or other similar races. I had a great time at the Tough Mudder I did this past year; my buddies and I pushed each other and worked together to finish an awesome challenge. I'd love to do more of these races this year.
What are some of the things you'll achieve in 2013? I'd love to hear them. And Happy New Year to all!